TV Miracle

On 8/4/13 God worked a miracle in my life. He healed me of a frightening nerve pain in my arm and hand while

The suprascapular, axillary, and radial nerves.

watching TV. The man said someone is being healed right now in the arm and pointed to the exact area on my arm where the pain originated!

I’ve told people who I know what happened. Most believe me, one or two don’t but are polite about it. I understand their unbelief because I NEVER believed that any miracle took place when people on TV said things like that. “Some one has just been healed while watching this show. Your back has been hurting you for years and now you can move pain free.” I thought, “Why do they do that? They don’t need to, they have a lot of money already. They’re saying good Biblical things, they don’t have to interrupt they’re message and do that.” It made me doubt that God ever healed. Now, I know that it is real. Not everyone is legit, that’s been proven but some are.

One man asked, “If you didn’t believe that people got healed watching TV why were you watching the show?”  Fair question and I answered him, “The show is interesting.”  He still didn’t really believe me but that’s okay.  Just hearing about such a thing makes us think more about God.

Why did God heal me? I don’t know. I didn’t even ask him to heal my arm but I’m so glad He did. Many of us can believe there is a God but we have trouble believing that He cares about us. This is evidence for me that God does care for all of us and me. Jesus cares about you too. He wants to heal you but you have to let him.

Here’s the show!  When he points to his arm and says, “Someone is being healed.” that’s me!!!  Sid Roth July 29 – Aug 4, 2013 

God Healed Me

Recently, my right arm and hand have been in severe nerve pain from repetitive motion.  I sat down to watch TV with an ice pack but the man said someone is being healed.  He pointed to his arm just below the elbow and said the carpel tunnel is being healed.  I started moving and stretching my hand and arm and felt the pain slowly go away.  I cried and said, “Thank you Jesus!”  I didn’t need the ice.  God healed me.  He will heal you too if you let him.  Thank you Jesus!


English: Jesus healing the sick by Gustave Dor...

Jesus healing the sick by Gustave Dore, 19th century Source: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)